SWAB Barcelona Art Fair 2020
October 2020

‘1314-brok3nSunset’ is a short video piece produced for the SWAB Barcelona Art Fair 2020. The premise of the work and narrative is a tale of forbidden love between two of three in a pluralistic triad living on Synkie, a fictional island located in the Southeast Asian equator in the Archipelago. Floating along threads of semi-altered states, the dias(non-binary pronoun) converse, expressing affections and disaffections for a system of complex macro-algae exchange.
Video piece. Duration: 11 min 37 secs.

This video work came to serve as a prologue to a larger-scale short film project commissioned for State of Motion titled ‘Sunset X – this is not sci-fi, this is heartbreak’.
More about ‘Sunset X – this is not sci-fi, this is heartbreak’ -->
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